AWS Fundamentals Is Now Available πŸŽ‰

Dear Cloud Friends πŸ‘‹πŸ½

this is the day! This morning we launched our book AWS Fundamentals - AWS for the Real World.

Both packages are off 25% for the first few days. Use the code LAUNCH25 during checkout.

Check the products out here:

​Package 1 - The Ebook​

​Package 2- Ebook & Infographics​

Do you have any questions? Reply to this email, join our Discord, or head over to our FAQs 😊

Feel free to share this message and discount with all your friends and AWS learners. 😊

Thank you!
Sandro & Tobi

PS: Our payment processor does not support setting the prices including taxes. We settled on the average VAT and therefore deducted 10% of the final prices. Sorry for the inconvenience!


AWS for the Real World

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