
AWS for the Real World

Join our community of over 9,300 readers delving into AWS. We highlight real-world best practices through easy-to-understand visualizations and one-pagers. Expect a fresh newsletter edition every two weeks.

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πŸ‘₯ Federated Authentication with Cognito

βŒ› Reading time: 8 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: Federated Authentication with Cognito πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Federated Authentication lets users sign in to your app using their existing accounts - most prominently Google! This approach eliminates the need to create and remember new credentials (which most users are very happy for! ✨), improving user experience and likely increasing conversion rates. πŸ“ˆ With OAuth 2.0 and Google as an identity provider, we...

Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ This issue will be about a recent real-world experience that just went off right with the new year! πŸŽ‰ Once upon a time... πŸ¦„ It all started in September 2024 where Edgio, the main CDN provider we used for one of my large enterprise projects, filed for bankruptcy. Edgio was natively integrated into Azure, allowing you to use it without leaving the Azure ecosystem. It also featured a powerful rules engine (allowing for all kinds of conditions, redirects and rewrites) and didn’t...

βŒ› Reading time: 13 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: How to Run Apps on Fargate via ECS πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ When building applications on AWS, we need to run our code somewhere: a computation service. There are a lot of well-known and mature computation services on AWS. You’ll often find Lambda as the primary choice, as it’s where you don’t need to manage any infrastructure. You only need to bring your code - it’s Serverless ⚑️. However, more options can be...

βŒ› Reading time: 10 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: Running Postgres on Aurora DSQL with Drizzle πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ With re:Invent 2024, AWS finally came up with an answer to what many people (including us) asked for years: "What if there were something like DynamoDB but for SQL?" With Amazon Aurora DSQL, this is finally possible. It’s not just a β€œscales-to-zero” solution like Aurora Serverless V2. It is a true distributed, serverless, pay-per-use...

βŒ› Reading time: 12 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: CloudWatch Launches re:invent 2024 ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ re:invent happened already two weeks ago and there were some amazing launches πŸ‘€ CloudWatch got a lot of love at that re:invent. This is why we are showing you our top CloudWatch launches for this year. We've worked through all of them, tried to get them working with our example application of the CloudWatch Book, and are now busy updating the book ✍🏽. Let's dive into...

βŒ› Reading time: 14 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: Feature Flags with AWS AppConfig πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ There's no other field where it's so common to have "a small side-project" like in the software industry. Even though it's possible to build things as quickly as ever before due to cloud providers, tools, platforms, and AI, many indie founders (and also large enterprises) tend to fall into the same trap: they tend to build features that users do not...

βŒ› Reading time: 17 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: Observability at Scale with Open-Source πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Welcome to this edition of the AWS Fundamentals newsletter! In this issue, we're focusing on observability with open-source tools on AWS. As most of you already know, we can use Amazon CloudWatch and X-Ray to monitor our application from every angle. But what if we want to hybrid setup where we run certain parts of our ecosystem outside of AWS?...

βŒ› Reading time: 9 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: Polling or WebSockets: Choosing with Amazon API Gateway πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ What would you use for quick and regular data updates inside your web app? Or let's phrase it another way: how would you choose between Polling and WebSockets? πŸ’­ Understanding the nuances between these two communication methods is important, as they both come with their own advantages, gotchas, and side effects that are not very...

βŒ› Reading time: 6 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: DynamoDB Global Tables πŸ‘Ύ GitHub Repository ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ DynamoDB is one of the most popular AWS services that requires minimal management. However, as Dr. Werner Vogels reminds us: β€œEverything Fails All the Time.” ⚑️ Therefore, even with managed services like DynamoDB, being prepared for a regional outage is important. The good thing: with DynamoDB Global Tables, you can easily replicate tables across multiple AWS...

βŒ› Reading time: 10 minutes πŸŽ“ Main Learning: Building a Serverless Platform With SST, Lambda & Next.js ✍️ Read the Full Post Online πŸ”— Hey Reader πŸ‘‹πŸ½ In this post, we want to guide you through our complete setup for our custom video platform. Our CloudWatch Book's Video Section This starts from the purchase to actually accessing our custom build video-access platform. Overview about our CloudWatch Book Landing Page & Video Platform Architecture We'll explain why we decided against a third-party...